Aging is an inevitable natural process of life. As we age, our body undergoes several physiological changes, leading to a decline in the function of organs and systems. At this time, nutrition plays an extremely important role, allowing to maintain health, enhance resistance and minimize the negative effects of the aging process.
A balanced, nutritious diet allows older adults to stay healthy, active and enjoy life to the fullest. This will help older adults reduce the negative effects of aging on their physical and mental health and quality of life.
Aging is an inevitable natural process of life
The natural aging process causes the elderly body to undergo complex changes such as decreased organ function, poor nutrient absorption, along with changes in taste and eating habits. These changes contribute to an increased risk of common health problems in old age, directly affecting nutritional needs and overall health.
Aging causes the body’s cardiovascular system to gradually weaken, the heart’s function becomes less and less effective. The heart wall thickens, the arteries harden, making the blood pumping process more difficult, leading to common cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. As the body ages, the risk of heart attack increases, the average age at which men have their first heart attack is 65 and for women it is 72.
Aging leads to many cardiovascular problems in older adults
In the elderly, the digestive system is less effective, manifested by reduced esophageal, intestinal and colonic motility, slowing down the transport of food, causing constipation and indigestion due to reduced gastric juice secretion. This leads to loss of appetite, reduced ability to absorb nutrients, which can easily lead to malnutrition, weight loss and weakened immune system. Dividing meals into smaller portions, eating slowly and chewing thoroughly, increasing fiber and supplementing probiotics can help the elderly improve digestive function and increase absorption during the aging process.
Slow metabolism is a common feature in the elderly, reducing physical activity, changing hormones, limiting the ability to burn energy, making the body prone to fat accumulation and weight gain. Decreased metabolism can lead to many health problems, negatively affecting the quality of life such as: fatigue, nutritional deficiencies and problems with the immune system and digestion. Although slowing of metabolism is an inevitable part of aging, older adults can still minimize adverse effects by maintaining exercise, eating properly, and controlling underlying medical conditions.
Metabolic changes make older adults more susceptible to fatigue, negatively impacting their health
Loss of muscle and bone mass is also a natural process that occurs as we age, leading to muscle weakness, reduced mobility and an increased risk of falls and fractures. In addition, over time, joint function also declines, making osteoarthritis more common, especially in areas that bear heavy loads such as the knee, cervical and lumbar spine. To prevent these problems, older adults need to ensure adequate protein and calcium intake and participate in physical activities to maintain muscle mass and bone and joint health.
During the aging process, the ability of the elderly to synthesize vitamin D is significantly reduced, combined with reduced calcium absorption, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. At this time, bones become brittle and prone to fracture, causing many serious complications. To prevent osteoporosis, older adults should increase outdoor activities to promote the body’s synthesis of endogenous vitamin D, which is an important source of vitamin D. At the same time, regular exercise also allows better absorption of vitamin D and calcium through diet such as milk, fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines) or using supplements.
Decreased muscle and bone mass makes older adults more susceptible to falls, which are further compounded by decreased vitamin D levels
Unlike young people, the nutritional needs of the elderly are different with their own characteristics. Clear understanding of these characteristics allows us to create an appropriate diet, from which supports health and improves quality of life.
In the elderly, energy needs are often lower than in young people. This is due to reduced physical activity levels, reduced muscle mass and slower metabolism. Energy needs in people aged 60 are reduced by 20%, in people over 70 are reduced by 30% compared to 25 years old. However, the need for nutrients such as protein, fiber, fat, vitamins and minerals in the elderly does not change significantly compared to their young age. Therefore, focusing too much on cutting energy can cause the body to not receive enough nutrients, affecting overall health. Therefore, the elderly are required to have a balanced diet, providing sufficient nutrients in appropriate amounts, to maintain a healthy body when aging.
– For older adults, maintaining adequate protein intake is important to promote muscle, bone and immune health. Although energy needs decrease, protein needs do not change much. A great number of people need to supplement protein to maintain muscle mass as muscle mass gradually declines with age. In addition, due to poor digestion and absorption of protein, and reduced liver albumin synthesis function, older adults are often deficient in protein. To meet the body’s needs, older adults need to consume 60-70g of protein per day, of which about 30% comes from animal protein. According to recommendations, older adults should reduce red meat consumption, instead consuming calcium-rich foods such as fish, shrimp, … or white meat such as chicken breast to support good health.
– Fiber plays an important role in maintaining a healthy digestive system, preventing constipation, a common problem in the elderly. By ensuring meals contain enough fiber, food moves through the digestive system more easily. Insufficient consumption of fiber can also lead to digestive tract cancer. The average fiber requirement of the elderly is about 25 grams/day. Adequate fiber supplementation has the effect of reducing cholesterol and blood sugar, good for diabetics, high blood pressure patients, and also stimulates intestinal motility, prevents constipation, and prevents atherosclerosis. Rich sources of fiber include green vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
Fiber plays an important role in older adults
– Fat is considered an important nutrient, providing energy and allowing the body to absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K. In the elderly, the need for fat is often reduced compared to young people. However, this is still an essential nutrient for maintaining overall health. The elderly should eat both animal fat and vegetable oil. The proportion of vegetable fat consumed should account for 35% of the total fat intake. Vegetable oil has no cholesterol and less saturated fatty acids than animal fat, so it is good for people with high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases.
– Some other nutrients such as omega 3, calcium, vitamin B12, Mg are also essential for supporting the function of organs in the elderly. Omega-3 helps protect the cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of brain diseases. Calcium is essential for bone and joint health, preventing osteoporosis in the elderly when the body loses calcium during bone loss. Vitamin B12 plays an important role in supporting brain function, the nervous system and blood production. Magnesium is a mineral that helps relax muscles, stabilize blood pressure and support heart function. The elderly can supplement these nutrients with many different foods such as nuts, beans, fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, sardines, …) and especially from milk or dairy products.
Omega-3 helps reduce inflammation, protect the heart and improve brain function in the elderly
Through analyzing the changes in the elderly and their nutritional needs during the aging period, an important question is raised: “How to create a suitable diet that allows the elderly to maintain health and energy?”. The answer lies in understanding the basic principles of nutritional diet creation during the aging period, which are presented below.
A suitable diet helps the elderly stay healthy and full of energy
– First, regarding daily food intake, the elderly must have a properly planned diet to fully meet their energy and nutritional needs. According to recommendations for Vietnamese people, the elderly need about 1700-1900 calories per day. The proportion of the groups of substances is also very important, in which cereals account for 68% providing the main energy, fat accounts for 18% and protein provides 14%. Balancing these groups of substances enables sufficient energy for the body to function, while supporting the stable metabolism.
– Second, for the body’s better absorption of nutrients, the elderly should prioritize soft, easily digestible foods. Steamed, boiled, and stewed dishes allow the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals in food to be retained.
In addition, the use of nutritional supplements also supports better supply of necessary nutrients for the elderly. Nutricare Gold is one of the nutritional options of consumer’s trust. The product is researched and developed by Nutricare and the Nutricare Medical Nutrition Institute – USA (NMNI-USA). With a new improved formula, Nutricare Gold provides up to 56 nutrients with easily absorbed vegetable protein and Whey protein from the US. Thereby, essential amino acids will be added to the body to participate in the synthesis of protein, immune cells, support increased resistance, recovery and rapid health improvement.
In addition, Nutricare Gold also supplements calcium, glucosamine and HMB to help strengthen bones and joints. In particular, omega 3,6,9 in the product enable reduction of bad cholesterol and regulate blood lipids, supporting the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and strokes in the elderly. At the same time, the product also contains clinically proven Lactium, supporting good sleep with magnesium and vitamin B6 to help reduce stress. Soluble fiber FOS also allows the elderly to have a healthier digestive system during the aging process.
– Third, sugar and salt both play essential roles in the body (the brain needs sugar for energy and muscles need salt to maintain function). However, excessive consumption of both can cause many serious health effects, especially for the elderly, including: weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and reduced kidney function. Therefore, the elderly should minimize the use of spices with high salt content, sugary drinks and processed products. Instead, they can use natural spices such as pepper, chili, ginger to add flavor to the dish, making it more delicious.
Minimize the use of salt and sugar in the diet for the elderly
– Fourth, water plays an extremely important role in maintaining the vital functions of the body, accounting for about 50 – 70% of the body’s weight. The amount of water in the body also depends on age, in the elderly this ratio is lower than young’s, to about 50%. According to research by the National Institute of Nutrition, for an average person, the daily amount of water intake should be about 2.5 liters, of which drinking water is about 1-1.5 liters. For the elderly, there is no specific research on how much water is sufficient to drink in a day. However, experts advise not to drink too much water like normal workers, but also not to be too cautious with water. Drinking enough water helps maintain skin moisture, supports the digestive system to function well and prevents constipation, which is quite common in the elderly over 65.
Water plays an extremely important role in maintaining the vital functions of the human body
– Fifth, regular exercise not only helps improve cardiovascular and bone health, but also helps enhance the digestive process and absorption of food. Gentle exercises such as walking, tai chi, yoga are fitted for the elderly, combined with a healthy diet will help improve overall health.
– Finally, to create a suitable and scientific diet, the elderly should consult a doctor or nutritionist. Experts assist in assessment of health status, specific nutritional needs and give appropriate advice. In addition, participating in nutrition classes is also an effective way for the elderly to equip themselves with knowledge about diet.
Consult your doctor or nutritionist when planning a diet for the elderly
Conclusion: Through this article, it is obvious to recognize the importance of nutrition in the aging stage. A reasonable diet is not only the foundation for health but also brings the elderly a fulfilling life. By choosing nutritious foods and combining them with scientific resting and exercising habits, they can live their life to the fullest. Let’s pay more attention to the nutrition of the elderly in your family so that they are always healthy and happy.
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